SEM Lab Results
Tests were run on the following organisms: E. Coli, Salmonella spp., Aspergillus flavus, Candida spp., Beta hemolytic strepococci,
Pseudomonas, Pasteurella multocida, and avian Klebsiella.
Each organism is heavily inoculated on appropriate media for growth. a. bacteria (tryptose agar) b. molds and yeast
(sabouraud agar)
A sterile blank paper disk is saturated with the test sample. The disk (7mm) is placed on the surface of the inoculated plate. Gently tapping the disk assures its contact with the plate
The plates are then incubated at 35 degress celsius for 24 hours for bacteria and 48 hours for mold and yeast.
The size of the zone of inhibition is then measured in millimeters at the end
of incubation. Notice that all inhibition measured outside of the disk.